Learning And Education

Sunday 23 September 2018

How To Show Related Posts With Thumbnails In WordPress Sidebar

How To Show Related Posts With Thumbnails In WordPress Sidebar
There are lots of related posts plugins for WordPress that make it easy for you to show related content to users that read your blog posts, which somehow increases the number of pages people visit on your website and also reduces your site bounce rate. In this post, I want to share with you, how to show related posts with thumbnails in WordPress sidebar.
To get started, you need to install the “Related Posts by Taxonomy” WordPress plugin.

The plugin helps you to increase your readers’ engagement by adding related posts in the sidebar or after post content with a widget or shortcode. The related posts widget for WordPress can be configured to display thumbnails or just links in a list format and you can set it to display related posts by category, tag etc.
Once you install the plugin on your WordPress site, navigate to “Appearance” > “Widgets” and drag the “related posts by taxonomy” widget to the sidebar.
  • set the number of related posts to show
  • select the taxonomy e.g tags or categories
  • select “Post thumbnails” as display format
  • select display image size – medium image size option recommended
  • set “number of image columns” – 1 recommended
  • select “Link image captions to posts” so that the post titles can be linked
  • select “Display this widget on single post pages only” to hide it from homepage and archives.
  • click SAVE.
That’s all you need to do to add related posts with thumbnails to WordPress sidebar.
View your blog and you should see the related posts been displayed.
  • You can use css to change the font size, remove underline and to hide it from displaying on mobile. You can check the css codes I used here.
  • You can also make it to display list of related posts below your posts on WordPress. Click here for the trick.

Have fun!

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